First-Party Data

Unlock the power of first-party data to create personalized and effective travel marketing campaigns.

Read up on the latest digital marketing trends and insights to grow your travel business.

Become a Marketing Mixmaster: How To Get The Most Out of Each Marketing Channel

Unlock the full potential of your marketing efforts with our guide on mastering the marketing mix.

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Introducing The Hotel Marketer's Playbook: Unlock the Secrets to Navigating the Marketing Funnel

Unlock the secrets to navigating the marketing funnel and drive bookings like never before.

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Cookieless Marketing 101: A Destination Marketer’s Crash Course on the Cookieless World

Dive into essential strategies to navigate the cookieless world effectively.

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A Guide for Independent Hotels: Navigating the Hotel Marketing Landscape With Cookieless Durable Channels

Explore strategies for independent hotels navigating the cookieless era.

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Data-Driven Decision-Making: The Key to DMO Marketing Success

Explore the power of data in unlocking new opportunities.

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The Evolution of Retargeting: Adapting to a Cookieless World

Cookieless is coming and retargeting as we know it, is going to change.

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Charting the Course: What's Trending for Travelers in 2024

Discover 2024 travel trends and plan for success in the travel landscape.

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Having a Nash Bash: How Your Hotel Marketing Can Capitalize on Events To Increase Direct Bookings

Capitalize on increased demand during major events to drive bookings.

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Sustainable Practices in Hotel Marketing: A Path to Responsible Hospitality

Align your digital marketing strategies with eco-conscious efforts.

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Hotel Marketing Challenges: Navigate the Complexities of the Path to Purchase

Meet your hotel marketing goals throughout the complete buyer journey.

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Always-On Marketing: Build Datasets To Strengthen Your Destination Marketing Campaigns

Always-on marketing takes a dynamic and ongoing approach to digital.

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Recession-Proof Your Hotel Marketing Strategy With First-Party Data

Hotel marketers must be ready to pivot using first-party data.

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First-Party Data & Context: How to Get Personalization & Privacy at Scale

Hotels need context to piece together traveler personas moving forward.

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Generating Repeat Business with First-Party Data for Hotels

Leverage first-party data and continue to drive production efficiently.

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Hotelier’s Guide to Pixels and Cookies

Learn the difference between cookies and pixels, and using them together.

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