In their latest data analysis, The Data Appeal Company, in partnership with Sojern, reveals an in-depth outlook for summer Italian tourism, including the top European travel trends for the second half of 2021. What will happen in the coming months? Is European travel really on its way to recovery? Will international and transatlantic tourists return?
Across Europe, the tourism industry is beginning the reopening phase with cautious optimism. Hotels, restaurants, museums and beach resorts are launching new, Covid-friendly strategies hoping to soon welcome tourists with open arms while trying to keep up with the always-evolving rules and regulations.The vaccination campaign is gaining momentum and the number of positive Covid-19 cases is slowly, but steadily decreasing. In Italy, one of the most popular tourism destinations, the Prime Minister has declared the country as a safe destination and will open its borders to foregin tourists in the coming weeks.
Above all, in the wake of the massive vaccination campaign over recent months, American travelers, who have always been one of the largest visitors in Europe – especially to Italy – will be allowed to return this summer. This alone gives many operators in the tourism sector much hope for the upcoming season.To uncover what European tourism and Italian tourism will look like this summer, The Data Appeal Company, with the support of our partner Sojern, has analyzed a variety of datasets to determine the upcoming travel trends and forecast who will visit Europe this summer, and where they’ll be coming from.
Sojern, the leading digital marketing solutions platform for tourism, analyzes data relating to online travel intentions – in real time. With their Artificial Intelligence technology, Sojern allows its customers to reach the right travelers at the right time with personalized digital campaigns. The data is shared between independent hotels, hotel chains, airlines and tourism portals.
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