Olivia Nachman, social media intern at Sojern, is responsible for creating and posting content for the Sojern marketing team. She also assists with writing blog posts with the goal of reaching both employees and prospective clients and future hires. Before Sojern, Olivia held a position at Molly J, where she assisted the CEO with numerous tasks, including coming up with new product ideas, packaging deliveries, and contacting potential chefs.
Olivia Nachman, social media intern at Sojern, is responsible for creating and posting content for the Sojern marketing team. She also assists with writing blog posts with the goal of reaching both employees and prospective clients and future hires. Before Sojern, Olivia held a position at Molly J, where she assisted the CEO with numerous tasks, including coming up with new product ideas, packaging deliveries, and contacting potential chefs.
Olivia Nachman, social media intern at Sojern, is responsible for creating and posting content for the Sojern marketing team. She also assists with writing blog posts with the goal of reaching employees and, prospective clients and future hires. Before Sojern, Olivia held a position at Molly J, assisting the CEO with numerous tasks, including developing new product ideas, packaging deliveries, and contacting potential chefs. Olivia is entering her third year at Tulane University, majoring in Communications with a minor in Psychology. She is also a member of Pi Beta Phi and holds a position on the Member Conduct Committee. Olivia has an avid passion for environmentalism and spends time contributing to her community through different relevant philanthropists.
Sojern Culture