Brand USA and R&R Partners Boosted YoY Performance with Sojern’s Travel Intent Data on Social Media

images en forme de diamant dans divers lieux luxueux


audience targeting and enhanced campaign performance using Sojern Travel Intent audiences


international travelers to consider traveling to the U.S. who were not yet looking at it as a potential t

CPA improved

by an average of 85% YoY, with half of the countries improving as much as 90% or more
Package utilisé
Campagne gérée

Brand USA, the destination marketing organization (DMO) for the U.S., exists to enrich lives by welcoming the world to travel to the USA and helps to create community prosperity through partnership, leadership, and travel inspiration. Known for their innovative marketing strategies and strong industry partnerships, Brand USA consistently works to improve their outreach and engage with prospective travelers effectively. Brand USA and their agency, R&R Partners, teamed up with Sojern to unlock travel-specific audiences for their social media campaigns on Meta. By using real-time travel intent data from Sojern, they significantly boosted audience targeting and campaign performance.

from the Host

“Sojern's qualified travel data elevated our digital strategy, allowing us to target users throughout their journey. From awareness-driving CTV campaigns to conversion-focused social ads, Sojern's data helped us reach travelers at the right time, significantly boosting US travel bookings.”

Clemen Hernandez
Senior Manager, Media Planning
from the Agency

from the Partners

from the Partners

“Sojern's qualified travel data elevated our digital strategy, allowing us to target users throughout their journey. From awareness-driving CTV campaigns to conversion-focused social ads, Sojern's data helped us reach travelers at the right time, significantly boosting US travel bookings.”

Clemen Hernandez
Senior Manager, Media Planning


Operating in a highly competitive market, Brand USA and R&R Partners needed to reach the right in-market international travelers with their advertising efforts on Meta to inspire them to visit the U.S. Though their Meta campaigns were already effective, the team aimed to elevate them further by tapping into and engaging highly qualified travel audiences within the walled garden. They sought international travelers in 11 key countries interested in international travel and not yet looking at the U.S. as a potential vacation destination, with the goal of driving incremental reach through competitive conquesting tactics. The goal for each country targeted was for users to perform an on-site action of time spent or a secondary action (within Meta, the action was “add to wishlist”, a Meta-specific objective custom-mapped to an onsite action).


The team partnered with Sojern to utilize Sojern’s proprietary travel intent data for their Meta campaigns and enhance targeting and reach. They leveraged Sojern’s real-time travel intent data using billions of travel intent signals, allowing them to identify and target individuals in-market for travel and inspire them to visit the U.S. By using travel intent data, Brand USA and R&R Partners reached a more qualified audience, resulting in improved conversion metrics and overall cost-efficiency, making the investment in data worthwhile. The campaign resulted in the CPA improving by an average of 85% YoY, with half of the countries improving as much as 90% or more.

R&R Partners appreciated the ease of collaboration, the effectiveness of the strategy, the quality of the data, and the value added by Sojern’s expertise and support. “It’s just easy. The team understands where we’re coming from and is as hungry to push performance as we are. They allow us the freedom to be competitive and first-to-market, which we greatly appreciate,” Deang said, media strategy director for R&R Partners.

from the client

“I appreciate that the Sojern team has taken the time to understand not just Brand USA as a business, but the agency who’s running the strategy behind everything and that each client is catered to in whatever sense they need to be. It feels like very white glove service, a truly easy partnership.”

Mellisa Deang
Media Strategy Director

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